How I Work

I taught myself to code HTML on an Apple II in my par­ents house at the age of 10. My Media Stud­ies BFA at CCAD focused on ani­ma­tion and pho­tog­ra­phy. My first full-time job was at a world arts deal­er where I helped with their online pres­ence, prod­uct pho­tog­ra­phy, and final­ly put my long-time hob­by to good use.

As a free­lance web design­er and devel­op­er I’ve been help­ing small busi­ness folk get online for 15 years now. I love that there’s always some­thing to learn. I spe­cial­ize in step­ping in and help­ing peo­ple who have had a bad expe­ri­ence with anoth­er provider, or are strug­gling to under­stand the process of get­ting a web­site up. I enjoy edu­cat­ing and advis­ing, and empow­er­ing peo­ple to con­trol their own web presence.

  • My tools of choice are HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, Word­Press, Adobe, and Affinity.
  • I have a secret love for organization.
  • I have expe­ri­ence with ani­ma­tion, audio, and video, which is prov­ing handy as the web moves forward.
  • My cur­rent goals include embrac­ing CSS grid and SVG ani­ma­tion- I hope to head back towards some of my ani­ma­tion roots.

I am open to inquiries for part time employ­ment for a telecom­mute position.