Hey, I’m Audrey Sargent.

I’m a web design­er & devel­op­er by trade, but I tend to think of myself more as a guide.

I was a self-taught web dev before I skipped out on a physics degree and went to CCAD. Media Stud­ies sur­round­ed me with new types of peo­ple and I learned to com­mu­ni­cate on a broad spec­trum. I like help­ing peo­ple who aren’t com­fort­able in tech bridge the gap between their dai­ly lives and what their work requires.

When I’m not hang­ing with our boys (2 and 7), spare time is devot­ed to learn­ing new code, more about gar­den­ing in Col­orado, bak­ing at alti­tude, and as much in the way of arts and crafts as I can squeeze in. You prob­a­bly can’t find music I don’t appre­ci­ate. I am unapolo­get­i­cal­ly polit­i­cal­ly, social­ly, and men­tal­ly involved with every­thing I love.

I enjoy help­ing peo­ple. I believe peo­ple are stronger when they pool what they’ve got. I know things you don’t. You know things I don’t.

We should talk sometime.